Allt Dearg Community Wind Farm
12 turbines | 77m to blade tip | 10.2MW

Allt Dearg was previously the subject of a much larger scale proposal by a utility developer which was refused planning permission in 2007. However, it was clear that a smaller scale, locally developed scheme may be an acceptable alternative, so the two landowners, Ormsary and Stronachullin Estates, teamed up with Lomond Energy to find the right project for the site.
Ormsary has a long history of renewable energy and hosts four small hydro schemes on the Estate which contribute to its running costs. Like many similar rural communities, the Estates needed to diversify to secure the socio-economic future of the area. Allt Dearg Community Wind Farm now underpins a sustainable future for this fragile rural community and also delivers a wider local benefit to the neighbouring Ardrishaig Community through its share of the project.
The Allt Dearg and Srondoire Community Wind Farms website provides further details of this unique project and charts its development history from planning and design to operation through a comprehensive photoblog.
Key facts
Cruach a'Phubail, 9km south of Ardrishaig, Argyll
- Secures the future of two large estates
- Community ownership of one wind turbine
- Local jobs through construction and operational support
- Improved public access across the site
- 40m units of carbon-free electricity annually - equivalent to the consumption of 8,000 homes
- Creation of a habitat & land management plan to enhance the nature conservation value and landscape qualities of the site
- Supports traditional farming and land management practices
Developed in partnership with the two landowners & local community